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Free Valuation in Richmond TX

Why is a free valuation in Richmond, TX, important, and why should you get one done? The market is somewhat competitive, so you’ll want to have your house priced accurately and competitively. The current median sale price in the area is $381,960, which is an increase of 7.4%. The average amount of time houses spend on the market is 41 days.

A critical factor when it comes to evaluating your property is the neighborhood comps. You’ll want to compare it to other houses in the area, and get an idea of how much these properties are selling for. Selecting recent sales of similar construction, size, and condition to your own remains integral. It’s ideal to stick with the ones that came off the market in the last three months.

Evaluation of your property before the sale is essential. Consider any age-related issues that your home may have. What repairs would be a good idea to do? Remodeling projects and upgrades will be carefully considered by anyone seeking a home of their own. While they may seem costly at first glance, taking the time and money to undergo them can pay for itself several times over!

You’ll also want to look at the schools that your house is zoned for before you sell; ranking scores for the district have some of the biggest impacts on appreciation rates and resale prices. Richmond is served by the Lamar Consolidated Independent School District, and your REALTOR® is happy to answer any questions that you may have. Schedule a free consultation today for more information!

City of Richmond: https://www.richmondtx.gov/

  • A free valuation in Richmond, TX, helps you price and sell.